miðvikudagur, 15. október 2008

Bréf vegna greinar í Daily mail

Ég hef fengið nokkur viðbrögð vegna greina minna í bresku blöðunum undanfarið. Hægt er að skrifa athugasemdir við greinarnar í Guardian á netinu. Fyrri greinin, sem hefur verið á forsíðu vefútgáfu Guardian nú í tvo daga, er enn sú mest lesna og með flestum athugasemdum, 557 talsins. Greinin í Daily mail í gær birtist einungis í prentaðri útgáfu blaðsins en eigi að síður hef ég fengið töluverð viðbrögð frá breskum lesendum í tölvupósti, sem þeir hafa einhvers staðar grafið upp. Skemmtilegt að segja frá því að þau eru öll afar vinsamleg í garð okkar Íslendinga. Læt hér fylgja þrjú bréf úr safninu:


Sir, re your letter to Daily Mail 14/10/08. :

I just want to say to you that I hope that the people of Iceland and Great Britain can continue to be good friends.

I certainly don't have bad feelings towards them. Mr. Brown, (A dreadful PM) using terrorist laws against Iceland is, I feel, a great insult and an abuse of that Terrorism Act. We all need calm and friendship and some understanding. Not knee jerk reactions designed to save a poorly performing PM's career.

The acts of some greedy business people in each country should not be allowed to bring any animosities between 'ordinary' folk. I want you to convey my feelings to your fellow countrymen and women. It is a truism that there's good and bad in every land. May I extend a hand of friendship to the good people of Iceland.


Geoff Hill, Manchester, UK


Dear Eirikur

I saw your letter in today's "Daily Mail", and making a web search I seeyou have been energetic in putting forward a view.

A few years ago I was able to spend 3 months at University of Iceland onan academic research project, and as a consequence of having spent sometime in Iceland know a little more about Iceland than most Brits (thoughI'm sure still just a little). I brought my own car to Iceland via Shetland and Faroes, and the freedom of movement this gave me helped mesee both Iceland and Icelanders. As a result I'm reacting with horror tothe problems which have flared up between Britain and Iceland, and withshock at the economic difficulties now facing Iceland.

The political climate in Britain at the moment seems as much aroller-coaster as the financial markets, and I don't think that mostBrits have come to a view on what they think about the present issueswith Iceland. Presumably British savers will get their money, so thisissue is likely to be a short-lived news story. The issues facingcouncils will be sorted and forgotten. That anti-terrorist legislationwas used to seize Icelandic assets would usually be front page news, butwith the volume of news of recent weeks I doubt if many on the streetsare even aware of it - in no time it too will be forgotten. Thechallenge now I suggest is to build a positive way forward for bothBritain and Iceland.

Best wishes, Graeme



today i have read the Daily Mail and noticed your letter, can i assure you that the 'ordinary' UK citizen does not view the Icelandic people or state as terrorists, we are all unfortunately caught up in the current global economic turmoil and our government has a tendency to use its many powers indiscriminately wishing all the best to yourself and your nation

with regards

Paul Haley